2 people sitting on the back of a truck with a closeup picture of the zipper down sweatshirt they are both wearing

About American Giant

Make Things Better,
Make Better Things

American Giant™ makes clothes in the United States because keeping things local means it can understand the whole supply chain. That supply chain includes the people who touch the product and make it better. In turn, they gain skills and opportunity, and their communities are revitalized. It's a virtuous cycle of good and humanity.
sewing machine wiht american giant label

woman on motorcycle

Invest In Clothes
That Match Your Values

American Giant™ was founded at a moment of opportunity: where its dissatisfaction with the way clothes were made met new technologies that enabled smaller supply chains. The brand jumped, confident in its belief that, through American ingenuity and innovation, it could go against the current and do better. It started by making a better hoodie with honest, human values built in. So when you buy from American Giant, you invest in its values.

Core Principles

2 people leaning up against a car

Not Disposable

High quality. Built to last. Straightforward style that endures beyond trends. Unlike most apparel, American Giant™ is made to be worn — not end up in a landfill.
farm machinery in the field harvesting cotton

Not Complicated

When things are complicated, what's right gets murky. Simple cuts through that. Making clothes in the United States allows American Giant™ to understand the whole supply chain. It's better than clothes that criss-cross the globe simply because that's the cheapest way to do things.
woman standing in manufacturing facility

Not Shareholders

Everything American Giant™ makes is made possible by a supply chain of people. Towns and communities at every step. They touch the product, make it better, and, in turn, are supported and strengthened.

man and woman standing on the side of a road next to a parked car